
Schema for stored functions,procedures, and ancillary tables in the SuperCOSMOS Science Archive.
Contains sql script to create all stored functions and procedures.
fGetNearbyObjEq Returns table of objects from @table within @r arcmins of an Equatorial point (@ra,@dec).
fGetNearestObjEq Returns table holding a record describing the closest object within @r arcminutes of (@ra,@dec).
fGetNearestObjIdEq Returns the objId of nearest @table object within @r arcmins.
fGreatCircleDist Returns float holding great circle distance between two points (ra1,dec1) & (ra2,dec2)
fHTM_Cover Returns a table of (HtmIdStart, HtmIdEnd) that covers the area.
fHtmLookupEq Returns 20-deep HTMid of a given Equatorial point (@ra,@dec).
Latest Revision:315, 2010-11-04 14:14:26 (Thu, 4 Nov 2010)