Returns table holding a record describing the closest object within @r arcminutes of (@ra,@dec). |
returned table: Sample call to find the table 1 object within 2 arcminutes of ra,dec 185 SELECT N.* FROM dbo.fGetNearestObjEq(185,0,2,1) (see also fGetNearbyObjEq, fGetNearbyObjXYZ, fGetNearestObjXYZ) |
Name | Type | Length | inout | pnum |
@ra | float | 8 | input | 1 |
@dec | float | 8 | input | 2 |
@r | float | 8 | input | 3 |
@table | tinyint | 1 | input | 4 |
objID | bigint | 8 | output | 1 |
cx | float | 8 | output | 2 |
cy | float | 8 | output | 3 |
cz | float | 8 | output | 4 |
htmID | bigint | 8 | output | 5 |
distance | float | 8 | output | 6 |