
Schema for SuperCOSMOS Science Archive tables. Contains sql script to create the set of tables for the personal version of the SSA.
CurrIsoCal Current isophotal photometric calibration coefficients for all plates
Detection Contains individual plate detections for every plate in the SSA.
Field Survey field information for the SSA.
FieldSystem Contains information about the systems of field centres used in the SSA.
IsoCalVersion Information concerning all isophotal photometric calibrations in the SSA
JunkDetection Contains a subset of the entries in Detection that are flagged as junk
Plate Contains information about each survey plate measurement used in the SSA.
PrevIsoCal Previous isophotal photometric calibration coefficients for all plates
Source Contains merged sources for every field in the SSA.
Survey Contains information about the Schmidt photographic surveys in the SSA.
Latest Revision:315, 2010-11-04 14:14:26 (Thu, 4 Nov 2010)