Contains information about each survey plate measurement used in the SSA. |
The details of each plate (eg. emulsion, filter, epoch etc.) and the measurement (eg. date, time, machine etc.) are stored in this table, along with image map processing parameters (eg. detection threshold, astrometric solution, etc.) |
Name | Type | Length | Unit | Description | Default Value | Unified Content Descriptor |
plateID | int | 4 | Unique identifier of the plate: surveyID plus field number combo | ID_PLATE | ||
surveyID | tinyint | 1 | Every plate comes from a survey | ID_SURVEY | ||
fieldID | int | 4 | Unique survey field identifier | ID_FIELD | ||
plateNum | smallint | 2 | Plate number assigned by observatory | ID_PLATE | ||
dateMeas | datetime | 8 | MM-DD-YYYY | Measurement date | 12-31-9999 | TIME_DATE |
timeMeas | varchar | 8 | Measurement time (local), eg. 15:33:47 | TIME_MISC | ||
instrument | varchar | 16 | Name of scanning machine | INST_ID | ||
softVersion | varchar | 18 | Software version, eg. /home/scosdev/v033 | ID_VERSION | ||
operator | varchar | 3 | Machine operator's username | ID_HUMAN | ||
scanMaterial | varchar | 16 | Photographic medium, eg. Original glass, Copy film, Copy glass | REMARKS | ||
emulsion | varchar | 8 | Kodak emulsion type, eg. 103a-E, IIIa-J, IV-N | INST_PLATE_EMULSION | ||
filterID | varchar | 8 | Filter identifier, eg. OG590, RG715, 2444... | INST_FILTER_CODE | ||
filterComm | varchar | 16 | Filter type, eg. "Schott glass", "Red plexiglass"... | INST_FILTER_CODE | ||
raPnt | real | 4 | degrees | Mean plate centre RA | POS_EQ_RA_MAIN | |
decPnt | real | 4 | degrees | Mean plate centre Dec | POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN | |
radecSys | varchar | 4 | Co-ordinate system of raPnt/decPnt, eg. FK4 | POS_REFERENCE-SYSTEM | ||
equinox | real | 4 | year | Equinox of raPnt and decPnt | TIME_EQUINOX | |
eqTsys | varchar | 12 | Time system of equinox, eg. BESSELIAN | NOTE | ||
utDateObs | datetime | 8 | MM-DD-YYYY | UT date of observation | 12-31-9999 | TIME_DATE |
lstObs | varchar | 4 | 24-hour | Local sidereal time at start of exposure, eg. 2336 | TIME_MISC | |
expLength | real | 4 | minutes | Exposure time | TIME_EXPTIME | |
epoch | real | 4 | years | Epoch of observation | TIME_EPOCH | |
domeTemp | real | 4 | Kelvin | Dome temp at observation | OBS_CONDITIONS | |
domePressure | real | 4 | mBar | Dome pressure at observation | OBS_CONDITIONS | |
domeHumid | real | 4 | Dome relative humidity at obsevation time | OBS_CONDITIONS | ||
waveEffect | smallint | 2 | Angstrom | Effective wavelength | INST_WAVELENGTH_EFFECTIVE | |
tropl | real | 4 | K/m | Tropospheric lapse rate | MODEL_PARAM | |
mjd | float | 8 | Julian days | Modified Julian Date at mid exposure | TIME_DATE | |
focusNX | tinyint | 1 | No. of scan focus points in X | INST_PARAM | ||
focusNY | tinyint | 1 | No. of scan focus points in Y | INST_PARAM | ||
calType | varchar | 16 | Intensity calibration wedge fit type, eg. SPLINE | INST_PARAM | ||
stepWdg | varchar | 16 | Intensity calibration step-wedge type, eg. kpno | INST_PARAM | ||
nSteps | tinyint | 1 | No. of intensity calibration wedge steps | INST_PARAM | ||
orientation | varchar | 4 | SuperCOSMOS plate orientation, eg. news | INST_PARAM | ||
emulpos | varchar | 4 | SuperCOSMOS emulsion position, eg. up | INST_PARAM | ||
sosp | smallint | 2 | SuperCOSMOS start of scan CCD pixel number | INST_PARAM | ||
stepsize | real | 4 | microns | SuperCOSMOS nominal pixel size | INST_PIXSIZE | |
scanlen | smallint | 2 | pixels | SuperCOSMOS CCD lane scan length | INST_PARAM | |
aXmin | real | 4 | microns | SuperCOSMOS XMIN of measured area | POS_PLATE_X | |
aXmax | real | 4 | microns | SuperCOSMOS XMAX of measured area | POS_PLATE_X | |
aYmin | real | 4 | microns | SuperCOSMOS YMIN of measured area | POS_PLATE_Y | |
aYmax | real | 4 | microns | SuperCOSMOS YMAX of measured area | POS_PLATE_Y | |
xPnt | real | 4 | microns | Centre of scan area in X | POS_PLATE_Y | |
yPnt | real | 4 | microns | Centre of scan area in Y | POS_PLATE_Y | |
areaCut | tinyint | 1 | pixels | Minimum area of detected object | NUMBER | |
apParam | real | 4 | Areal profile parameter | REDUCT_PARAM | ||
dbParam | real | 4 | Deblending parameter | REDUCT_PARAM | ||
dbAmin | tinyint | 1 | pixels | Minimum area of parent image that can be deblended | REDUCT_PARAM | |
dbAmax | int | 4 | pixels | Maximum area of parent image that can be deblended | REDUCT_PARAM | |
dbAcut | tinyint | 1 | pixels | Minimum area of deblended object detection | REDUCT_PARAM | |
dbLevel | tinyint | 1 | No. of rethresholding levels for deblending | REDUCT_PARAM | ||
skySquare | smallint | 2 | pixels | Blocksize (one side) of sky background | REDUCT_PARAM | |
skyDefn | varchar | 16 | Method of defining sky, eg. "median" | REDUCT_METHOD | ||
skyFilter | varchar | 16 | Box filter weights for sky determination | REDUCT_PARAM | ||
fThresh | tinyint | 1 | Sky filtering parameter | REDUCT_PARAM | ||
fSclen | tinyint | 1 | Scale size for iterative filter application | REDUCT_PARAM | ||
pCut | real | 4 | percent | Threshold "percentage cut" for pixel analysis | STAT_%REJECT | |
starCat | varchar | 80 | Name of reference star catalogue used for astrometric fit | ID_CATALOG | ||
brightLim | real | 4 | Bright mag limit for selected astrometric refstars | PHOT_MAG_LIMIT | ||
faintLim | real | 4 | Faint limit for selected refstars | PHOT_MAG_LIMIT | ||
equinRef | real | 4 | Equinox of refstar positions | TIME_EQUINOX | ||
tSysRef | varchar | 12 | Time system of equinox of refstar positions, eg. JULIAN | NOTE | ||
maxIter | int | 4 | Maximum no. of iterations for non-linear astrometric fit | NUMBER | ||
rCritIni | real | 4 | microns | Initial matching tolerance for refstars | REDUCT_PARAM | |
rCritAbs | real | 4 | microns | Absolute object rejection criterion | REDUCT_PARAM | |
rCritRel | real | 4 | Relative object rejection criterion | REDUCT_PARAM | ||
rCritFin | real | 4 | sigma | Final residual tolerance | REDUCT_PARAM | |
distType | varchar | 80 | Radial distortion term in solution, eg. R/TAN(R) | MODEL_CORRECTION | ||
scdGrid | varchar | 80 | Non-linear distortion mask filename | ID_FILE | ||
raCol | varchar | 16 | Name of RA column in reference catalogue | REMARKS | ||
decCol | varchar | 16 | Name of Dec column in reference catalogue | REMARKS | ||
raPMCol | varchar | 16 | Name of RA proper motion column in reference catalogue | REMARKS | ||
decPMCol | varchar | 16 | Name of Dec proper motion column in reference catalogue | REMARKS | ||
plxCol | varchar | 16 | Name of parallax column in reference catalogue | REMARKS | ||
rvCol | varchar | 16 | Name of radial velocity column in reference catalogue | REMARKS | ||
magCol | varchar | 16 | Name of magnitude column in reference catalogue | REMARKS | ||
cEquinox | real | 4 | year | Catalogue equinox | TIME_EQUINOX | |
cEqTSys | varchar | 16 | Catalogue equinox time system, eg. JULIAN | NOTE | ||
cEpoch | real | 4 | year | Catalogue epoch | TIME_EPOCH | |
cEpTSys | varchar | 16 | Catalogue epoch time system, eg. JULIAN | NOTE | ||
starsInit | int | 4 | No. of refstars in initial astrometric solution | NUMBER | ||
starsSelec | int | 4 | No. of refstars initially selected | NUMBER | ||
starsUsed | int | 4 | No. of refstars in final astrometric solution | NUMBER | ||
coeffs1 | float | 8 | 1st coefficient of astrometric fit for XY to obs. xi,eta | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
coeffs2 | float | 8 | 2nd coefficient of astrometric fit for XY to obs. xi,eta | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
coeffs3 | float | 8 | 3rd coefficient of astrometric fit for XY to obs. xi,eta | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
coeffs4 | float | 8 | 4th coefficient of astrometric fit for XY to obs. xi,eta | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
coeffs5 | float | 8 | 5th coefficient of astrometric fit for XY to obs. xi,eta | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
coeffs6 | float | 8 | 6th coefficient of astrometric fit for XY to obs. xi,eta | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
cubicDist | float | 8 | Cubic coefficient of radial distortion | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
obsRaPnt | float | 8 | radians | Observed plate centre RA | POS_EQ_RA_MAIN | |
obsDecPnt | float | 8 | radians | Observed plate centre Dec | POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN | |
shiftPnt | float | 8 | radians | Shift of from nominal to fitted plate centre | POS_OFFSET | |
areaMin | int | 4 | pixels | Minimum object area in IAM file | EXTENSION_AREA | |
areaMax | int | 4 | pixels | Maximum object area in IAM file | EXTENSION_AREA | |
magMin | real | 4 | Minimum instrumental mag in IAM file | PHOT_MAG_LIMIT | ||
magMax | real | 4 | Maximum instrumental mag in IAM file | PHOT_MAG_LIMIT | ||
ellipMin | real | 4 | Minimum object ellipticity in IAM file | PHYS_ELLIPTICITY | ||
ellipMax | real | 4 | Maximum object ellipticity in IAM file | PHYS_ELLIPTICITY | ||
ellipMode | real | 4 | Modal object ellipticity in IAM file | PHYS_ELLIPTICITY | ||
orientMode | real | 4 | degrees | Modal orientation in IAM file | POS_POS-ANG | |
ellipMed | real | 4 | Median ellipticity in IAM file | PHYS_ELLIPTICITY | ||
orientMed | real | 4 | degrees | Median orientation in IAM file | POS_POS-ANG | |
ellipMean | real | 4 | Mean object ellipticity in IAM file | PHYS_ELLIPTICITY | ||
orientMean | real | 4 | degrees | Mean orientation in IAM file | POS_POS-ANG | |
objNum | int | 4 | No. of objects detected on plate | NUMBER | ||
nParents | int | 4 | No. of parent objects detected on plate | NUMBER | ||
lane1Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 1 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane2Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 2 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane3Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 3 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane4Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 4 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane5Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 5 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane6Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 6 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane7Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 7 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane8Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 8 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane9Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 9 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane10Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 10 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane11Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 11 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane12Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 12 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane13Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 13 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane14Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 14 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane15Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 15 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane16Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 16 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane17Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 17 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane18Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 18 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane19Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 19 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane20Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 20 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane21Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 21 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane22Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 22 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane23Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 23 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane24Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 24 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane25Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 25 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane26Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 26 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane27Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 27 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane28Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 28 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane29Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 29 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
lane30Count | int | 4 | No. of objects in lane 30 of plate scan | NUMBER | ||
astResidX | real | 4 | arcsec | Residual of astrometric fit in X | FIT_RESIDUAL | |
astResidY | real | 4 | arcsec | Residual of astrometric fit in Y | FIT_RESIDUAL | |
nCalCoeffs | tinyint | 1 | No. of photometric calibration coefficients | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
CalXK | real | 4 | inst. profile mag | Stationary point in profile cal. curve | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | |
gradient | real | 4 | Gradient of linear portion of profile cal. curve | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
getCal1 | float | 8 | 1st profile calibration polynomial coefficient | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
getCal2 | float | 8 | 2nd profile calibration polynomial coefficient | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
getCal3 | float | 8 | 3rd profile calibration polynomial coefficient | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
getCal4 | float | 8 | 4th profile calibration polynomial coefficient | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
getCal5 | float | 8 | 5th profile calibration polynomial coefficient | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
getCal6 | float | 8 | 6th profile calibration polynomial coefficient | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
ffZp | real | 4 | mag | Field-to-field zeropoint | PHOT_ZPT | |
galZp | float | 8 | mag | Zeropoint of galaxy instrumental scale | PHOT_ZPT | |
galGrad | float | 8 | mags per instrumental mag | Gradient of galaxy instrumental mag scale | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | |
directory | varchar | 80 | Name of directory in flat-file system of source data. | ID_FILE | ||
Total length | 1186 |