Glossary of SSA attributes |
This Glossary alphabetically lists all attributes used in the SSA database(s) held in the SSA. If you would like to have more information about the schema tables please use the SSA Schema Browser. |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
P | ||||||||
Name | Schema Table | Database | Description | Type | Length | Unit | Default Value | Unified Content Descriptor |
pa | Detection | PSSA | Celestial position angle (E of N) | smallint | 2 | degrees | POS_POS-ANG | |
pa | Detection | SSA | Celestial position angle (E of N) | smallint | 2 | degrees | POS_POS-ANG | |
parentID | Detection | PSSA | objID of parent object, = objID for parent/undeblended (ie. not child) object | bigint | 8 | ID_PARENT | ||
parentID | Detection | SSA | objID of parent object, = objID for parent/undeblended (ie. not child) object | bigint | 8 | ID_PARENT | ||
pCut | Plate | PSSA | Threshold "percentage cut" for pixel analysis | real | 4 | percent | STAT_%REJECT | |
pCut | Plate | SSA | Threshold "percentage cut" for pixel analysis | real | 4 | percent | STAT_%REJECT | |
ph_qual | twomass_psc | 2MASS | Photometric quality flag. | varchar | 3 | CODE_QUALITY | ||
ph_qual | twomass_sixx2_psc | 2MASS | flag indicating photometric quality of source | varchar | 3 | |||
phi_opt | twomass_psc | 2MASS | Position angle on the sky of the vector from the the associated optical source to the TWOMASS source position, in degrees East of North. | smallint | 2 | degrees | POS_POS-ANG | |
plateID | CurrIsoCal | SSA | Unique identifier of the plate | int | 4 | ID_PLATE | ||
plateID | CurrIsoCal, PrevIsoCal | PSSA | Unique identifier of the plate | int | 4 | ID_PLATE | ||
plateID | Detection | PSSA | Plate ID of the plate that this detection came from | int | 4 | ID_PLATE | ||
plateID | Detection | SSA | Plate ID of the plate that this detection came from | int | 4 | ID_PLATE | ||
plateID | Plate | PSSA | Unique identifier of the plate: surveyID plus field number combo | int | 4 | ID_PLATE | ||
plateID | Plate | SSA | Unique identifier of the plate: surveyID plus field number combo | int | 4 | ID_PLATE | ||
plateNum | Plate | PSSA | Plate number assigned by observatory | smallint | 2 | ID_PLATE | ||
plateNum | Plate | SSA | Plate number assigned by observatory | smallint | 2 | ID_PLATE | ||
plateScale | Survey | PSSA | Nominal plate scale | real | 4 | arcsec/mm | INST_SCALE | |
plateScale | Survey | SSA | Nominal plate scale | real | 4 | arcsec/mm | INST_SCALE | |
plxCol | Plate | PSSA | Name of parallax column in reference catalogue | varchar | 16 | REMARKS | ||
plxCol | Plate | SSA | Name of parallax column in reference catalogue | varchar | 16 | REMARKS | ||
postProb | JunkDetection | PSSA | Posterior probability of detection being junk | real | 4 | STAT_PROBABILITY | ||
postProb | JunkDetection | SSA | Posterior probability of detection being junk | real | 4 | STAT_PROBABILITY | ||
prfMag | Detection | PSSA | Profile magnitude | real | 4 | instrumental units | PHOT_PHG_MAG | |
prfMag | Detection | SSA | Profile magnitude | real | 4 | instrumental units | PHOT_PHG_MAG | |
prfStat | Detection | PSSA | Profile statistic | real | 4 | N(0,1) | CLASS_STAR/GALAXY | |
prfStat | Detection | SSA | Profile statistic | real | 4 | N(0,1) | CLASS_STAR/GALAXY | |
prfStatB | Source | PSSA | Profile statistic from B band detection | real | 4 | N(0,1) | -0.99999995e9 | CLASS_STAR/GALAXY |
prfStatB | Source | SSA | Profile statistic from B band detection | real | 4 | N(0,1) | -0.99999995e9 | CLASS_STAR/GALAXY |
prfStatI | Source | PSSA | Profile statistic from I band detection | real | 4 | N(0,1) | -0.99999995e9 | CLASS_STAR/GALAXY |
prfStatI | Source | SSA | Profile statistic from I band detection | real | 4 | N(0,1) | -0.99999995e9 | CLASS_STAR/GALAXY |
prfStatR1 | Source | PSSA | Profile statistic from R1 band detection | real | 4 | N(0,1) | -0.99999995e9 | CLASS_STAR/GALAXY |
prfStatR1 | Source | SSA | Profile statistic from R1 band detection | real | 4 | N(0,1) | -0.99999995e9 | CLASS_STAR/GALAXY |
prfStatR2 | Source | PSSA | Profile statistic from R2 band detection | real | 4 | N(0,1) | -0.99999995e9 | CLASS_STAR/GALAXY |
prfStatR2 | Source | SSA | Profile statistic from R2 band detection | real | 4 | N(0,1) | -0.99999995e9 | CLASS_STAR/GALAXY |
probGal | wiseScosSvm | WISExSCOSPZ | Probability of being a galaxy {image primary HDU keyword: pgal} | real | 4 | -0.9999995e9 | ||
probQso | wiseScosSvm | WISExSCOSPZ | Probability of being a QSO {image primary HDU keyword: pqso} | real | 4 | -0.9999995e9 | ||
probStar | wiseScosSvm | WISExSCOSPZ | Probability of being a star {image primary HDU keyword: pstar} | real | 4 | -0.9999995e9 | ||
prox | twomass_psc, twomass_xsc | 2MASS | Proximity. | real | 4 | arcsec | POS_ANG_DIST_GENERAL | |
pscID | CrossNeighbours2MASSPSC | SSA | The object identifier (pts_key) from TWOMASS.twomass_psc | int | 4 | ID_CATALOG | ||
pts_key | twomass_psc | 2MASS | A unique identification number for the PSC source. | int | 4 | ID_NUMBER | ||
pts_key | twomass_xsc | 2MASS | key to point source data DB record. | int | 4 | ID_NUMBER | ||
pxcntr | twomass_psc | 2MASS | The pts_key value of the nearest source in the PSC. | int | 4 | NUMBER | ||
pxcntr | twomass_xsc | 2MASS | ext_key value of nearest XSC source. | int | 4 | NUMBER | ||
pxpa | twomass_psc, twomass_xsc | 2MASS | The position angle on the sky of the vector from the source to the nearest neighbor in the PSC, in degrees East of North. | smallint | 2 | degrees | POS_POS-ANG |
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy,
Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill
Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, UK