Glossary of SSA attributes |
This Glossary alphabetically lists all attributes used in the SSA database(s) held in the SSA. If you would like to have more information about the schema tables please use the SSA Schema Browser. |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
C | ||||||||
Name | Schema Table | Database | Description | Type | Length | Unit | Default Value | Unified Content Descriptor |
c_strat | twomass_scn | 2MASS | Flag indicating the calibration strategy for this night's data. | smallint | 2 | CODE_MISC | ||
c_strat | twomass_sixx2_scn | 2MASS | calibration strategy, north only (0=old, 1=new) | smallint | 2 | |||
calType | Plate | PSSA | Intensity calibration wedge fit type, eg. SPLINE | varchar | 16 | INST_PARAM | ||
calType | Plate | SSA | Intensity calibration wedge fit type, eg. SPLINE | varchar | 16 | INST_PARAM | ||
CalXK | Plate | PSSA | Stationary point in profile cal. curve | real | 4 | inst. profile mag | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | |
CalXK | Plate | SSA | Stationary point in profile cal. curve | real | 4 | inst. profile mag | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | |
cat | twomass_sixx2_psc, twomass_sixx2_scn, twomass_sixx2_xsc | 2MASS | Catalog indicator 1=catalog, 0=not catalog | smallint | 2 | |||
cc_flg | twomass_psc | 2MASS | Contamination and confusion flag. | varchar | 3 | CODE_MISC | ||
cc_flg | twomass_sixx2_psc | 2MASS | indicates JHK artifact contamination and/or confusion | varchar | 3 | |||
cc_flg | twomass_sixx2_xsc | 2MASS | indicates artifact contamination and/or confusion | varchar | 1 | |||
cc_flg | twomass_xsc | 2MASS | indicates artifact contamination and/or confusion. | varchar | 1 | CODE_MISC | ||
centrePitch | FieldSystem | PSSA | The pitch of the field centres | real | 4 | degrees | OBS_DIFF | |
centrePitch | FieldSystem | SSA | The pitch of the field centres | real | 4 | degrees | OBS_DIFF | |
cEpoch | Plate | PSSA | Catalogue epoch | real | 4 | year | TIME_EPOCH | |
cEpoch | Plate | SSA | Catalogue epoch | real | 4 | year | TIME_EPOCH | |
cEpTSys | Plate | PSSA | Catalogue epoch time system, eg. JULIAN | varchar | 16 | NOTE | ||
cEpTSys | Plate | SSA | Catalogue epoch time system, eg. JULIAN | varchar | 16 | NOTE | ||
cEqTSys | Plate | PSSA | Catalogue equinox time system, eg. JULIAN | varchar | 16 | NOTE | ||
cEqTSys | Plate | SSA | Catalogue equinox time system, eg. JULIAN | varchar | 16 | NOTE | ||
cEquinox | Plate | PSSA | Catalogue equinox | real | 4 | year | TIME_EQUINOX | |
cEquinox | Plate | SSA | Catalogue equinox | real | 4 | year | TIME_EQUINOX | |
chi2 | Source | PSSA | Chi-squared value of proper motion solution | real | 4 | -0.99999995e9 | FIT_CHI2 | |
chi2 | Source | SSA | Chi-squared value of proper motion solution | real | 4 | -0.99999995e9 | FIT_CHI2 | |
class | Detection | PSSA | Classification flag | tinyint | 1 | CLASS_OBJECT | ||
class | Detection | SSA | Classification flag | tinyint | 1 | CLASS_OBJECT | ||
classB | Source | PSSA | Image classification from B band detection | tinyint | 1 | 0 | CLASS_OBJECT | |
classB | Source | SSA | Image classification from B band detection | tinyint | 1 | 0 | CLASS_OBJECT | |
classI | Source | PSSA | Image classification from I band detection | tinyint | 1 | 0 | CLASS_OBJECT | |
classI | Source | SSA | Image classification from I band detection | tinyint | 1 | 0 | CLASS_OBJECT | |
classMagB | Source | PSSA | B band magnitude selected by B image class | real | 4 | mag | -99.999995 | PHOT_PHG_BJ |
classMagB | Source | SSA | B band magnitude selected by B image class | real | 4 | mag | -99.999995 | PHOT_PHG_BJ |
classMagI | Source | PSSA | I band magnitude selected by I image class | real | 4 | mag | -99.999995 | PHOT_PHG_I |
classMagI | Source | SSA | I band magnitude selected by I image class | real | 4 | mag | -99.999995 | PHOT_PHG_I |
classMagR1 | Source | PSSA | R1 band magnitude selected by R1 image class | real | 4 | mag | -99.999995 | PHOT_PHG_R |
classMagR1 | Source | SSA | R1 band magnitude selected by R1 image class | real | 4 | mag | -99.999995 | PHOT_PHG_R |
classMagR2 | Source | PSSA | R2 band magnitude selected by R2 image class | real | 4 | mag | -99.999995 | PHOT_PHG_R |
classMagR2 | Source | SSA | R2 band magnitude selected by R2 image class | real | 4 | mag | -99.999995 | PHOT_PHG_R |
classR1 | Source | PSSA | Image classification from R1 band detection | tinyint | 1 | 0 | CLASS_OBJECT | |
classR1 | Source | SSA | Image classification from R1 band detection | tinyint | 1 | 0 | CLASS_OBJECT | |
classR2 | Source | PSSA | Image classification from R2 band detection | tinyint | 1 | 0 | CLASS_OBJECT | |
classR2 | Source | SSA | Image classification from R2 band detection | tinyint | 1 | 0 | CLASS_OBJECT | |
clat | twomass_sixx2_psc, twomass_sixx2_scn | 2MASS | The computed dec (J2000 EQ) of scan center in sexigesimal. | varchar | 16 | |||
clat | twomass_sixx2_xsc | 2MASS | The computed dec (J2000 EQ) in sexigesimal. | varchar | 16 | |||
cld | twomass_scn | 2MASS | Special flag indicating whether or not a cloud was found in the scan after comparison of its photometry to that of overlapping scans in the database. | smallint | 2 | CODE_MISC | ||
cld | twomass_sixx2_scn | 2MASS | downgrade from DB photom. overlap comparison (clouds) (0|1) | smallint | 2 | |||
clon | twomass_sixx2_psc, twomass_sixx2_scn | 2MASS | The computed ra (J2000 EQ) of scan center in sexigesimal. | varchar | 16 | |||
clon | twomass_sixx2_xsc | 2MASS | The computed ra (J2000 EQ) in sexigesimal. | varchar | 16 | |||
cntr | twomass_sixx2_scn, twomass_sixx2_xsc | 2MASS | entry counter (key) number (unique within table) | int | 4 | |||
coadd | twomass_psc | 2MASS | Sequence number of the Atlas Image in which the position of this source falls. | smallint | 2 | NUMBER | ||
coadd | twomass_xsc | 2MASS | 3-digit coadd number (unique within scan). | smallint | 2 | NUMBER | ||
coadd_key | twomass_psc | 2MASS | Unique identification number of the record in the Atlas Image Data Table (NOT YET AVAILABLE) that corresponds to Image in which the position of this source falls. | int | 4 | ID_NUMBER | ||
coadd_key | twomass_xsc | 2MASS | key to coadd data record in "scan DB". | int | 4 | ID_NUMBER | ||
coeffs1 | Plate | PSSA | 1st coefficient of astrometric fit for XY to obs. xi,eta | float | 8 | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
coeffs1 | Plate | SSA | 1st coefficient of astrometric fit for XY to obs. xi,eta | float | 8 | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
coeffs2 | Plate | PSSA | 2nd coefficient of astrometric fit for XY to obs. xi,eta | float | 8 | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
coeffs2 | Plate | SSA | 2nd coefficient of astrometric fit for XY to obs. xi,eta | float | 8 | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
coeffs3 | Plate | PSSA | 3rd coefficient of astrometric fit for XY to obs. xi,eta | float | 8 | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
coeffs3 | Plate | SSA | 3rd coefficient of astrometric fit for XY to obs. xi,eta | float | 8 | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
coeffs4 | Plate | PSSA | 4th coefficient of astrometric fit for XY to obs. xi,eta | float | 8 | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
coeffs4 | Plate | SSA | 4th coefficient of astrometric fit for XY to obs. xi,eta | float | 8 | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
coeffs5 | Plate | PSSA | 5th coefficient of astrometric fit for XY to obs. xi,eta | float | 8 | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
coeffs5 | Plate | SSA | 5th coefficient of astrometric fit for XY to obs. xi,eta | float | 8 | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
coeffs6 | Plate | PSSA | 6th coefficient of astrometric fit for XY to obs. xi,eta | float | 8 | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
coeffs6 | Plate | SSA | 6th coefficient of astrometric fit for XY to obs. xi,eta | float | 8 | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
colour | Survey | PSSA | Survey colour, eg. blue, red or near-infrared | varchar | 16 | OBS_BAND | ||
colour | Survey | SSA | Survey colour, eg. blue, red or near-infrared | varchar | 16 | OBS_BAND | ||
colourZP | CurrIsoCal | SSA | Colour zeropoint (wrt Bj) of calibration | real | 4 | mags | 0.0 | MODEL_PARAM |
colourZP | CurrIsoCal, PrevIsoCal | PSSA | Colour zeropoint (wrt Bj) of calibration | real | 4 | mags | 0.0 | MODEL_PARAM |
contam_flg | twomass_xsc | 2MASS | contamination flag: 0=no stars, 1=stellar flux incl. in mag. | smallint | 2 | CODE_MISC | ||
cosmag | Detection | PSSA | Isophotal magnitude | real | 4 | instrumental units | PHOT_PHG_MAG | |
cosmag | Detection | SSA | Isophotal magnitude | real | 4 | instrumental units | PHOT_PHG_MAG | |
cubicDist | Plate | PSSA | Cubic coefficient of radial distortion | float | 8 | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
cubicDist | Plate | SSA | Cubic coefficient of radial distortion | float | 8 | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
cx | Detection | SSA | Cartesian x of unit (ra,dec) vector on celestial sphere | float | 8 | POS_EQ_X | ||
cx | Detection, Field, Source | PSSA | Cartesian x of unit (ra,dec) vector on celestial sphere | float | 8 | POS_EQ_X | ||
cx | twomass_psc, twomass_scn, twomass_sixx2_psc, twomass_sixx2_scn, twomass_sixx2_xsc, twomass_xsc | 2MASS | unit vector of spherical co-ordinates | float | 8 | POS_EQ_X | ||
cx | twompzPhotoz | TWOMPZ | unit vector of spherical co-ordinates | float | 8 | pos.cartesian.x;pos.eq | ||
cx | wiseScosPhotoz, wiseScosPhotozRejects, wiseScosSvm | WISExSCOSPZ | unit vector of spherical co-ordinates | float | 8 | pos.cartesian.x;pos.eq | ||
cy | Detection | SSA | Cartesian y of unit (ra,dec) vector on celestial sphere | float | 8 | POS_EQ_Y | ||
cy | Detection, Field, Source | PSSA | Cartesian y of unit (ra,dec) vector on celestial sphere | float | 8 | POS_EQ_Y | ||
cy | twomass_psc, twomass_scn, twomass_sixx2_psc, twomass_sixx2_scn, twomass_sixx2_xsc, twomass_xsc | 2MASS | unit vector of spherical co-ordinates | float | 8 | POS_EQ_Y | ||
cy | twompzPhotoz | TWOMPZ | unit vector of spherical co-ordinates | float | 8 | pos.cartesian.y;pos.eq | ||
cy | wiseScosPhotoz, wiseScosPhotozRejects, wiseScosSvm | WISExSCOSPZ | unit vector of spherical co-ordinates | float | 8 | pos.cartesian.y;pos.eq | ||
cz | Detection | SSA | Cartesian z of unit (ra,dec) vector on celestial sphere | float | 8 | POS_EQ_Z | ||
cz | Detection, Field, Source | PSSA | Cartesian z of unit (ra,dec) vector on celestial sphere | float | 8 | POS_EQ_Z | ||
cz | twomass_psc, twomass_scn, twomass_sixx2_psc, twomass_sixx2_scn, twomass_sixx2_xsc, twomass_xsc | 2MASS | unit vector of spherical co-ordinates | float | 8 | POS_EQ_Z | ||
cz | twompzPhotoz | TWOMPZ | unit vector of spherical co-ordinates | float | 8 | pos.cartesian.z;pos.eq | ||
cz | wiseScosPhotoz, wiseScosPhotozRejects, wiseScosSvm | WISExSCOSPZ | unit vector of spherical co-ordinates | float | 8 | pos.cartesian.z;pos.eq |
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy,
Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill
Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, UK