Glossary of SSA attributes |
This Glossary alphabetically lists all attributes used in the SSA database(s) held in the SSA. If you would like to have more information about the schema tables please use the SSA Schema Browser. |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
S | ||||||||
Name | Schema Table | Database | Description | Type | Length | Unit | Default Value | Unified Content Descriptor |
scan | twomass_psc | 2MASS | The nightly scan number in which the source was detected. | smallint | 2 | NUMBER | ||
scan | twomass_scn | 2MASS | Scan number (unique within date). | smallint | 2 | NUMBER | ||
scan | twomass_sixx2_scn | 2MASS | scan number (unique within date) | smallint | 2 | |||
scan | twomass_xsc | 2MASS | scan number (unique within date). | smallint | 2 | NUMBER | ||
scan_key | twomass_psc | 2MASS | Unique identification number of the record in the Scan Information Table that corresponds to the survey scan in which this source was detected. | int | 4 | ID_NUMBER | ||
scan_key | twomass_scn | 2MASS | the unique identification number for this scan. | int | 4 | ID_NUMBER | ||
scan_key | twomass_sixx2_xsc | 2MASS | key to scan data record in "scan DB" | int | 4 | |||
scan_key | twomass_xsc | 2MASS | key to scan data record in "scan DB". | int | 4 | ID_NUMBER | ||
scanlen | Plate | PSSA | SuperCOSMOS CCD lane scan length | smallint | 2 | pixels | INST_PARAM | |
scanlen | Plate | SSA | SuperCOSMOS CCD lane scan length | smallint | 2 | pixels | INST_PARAM | |
scanMaterial | Plate | PSSA | Photographic medium, eg. Original glass, Copy film, Copy glass | varchar | 16 | REMARKS | ||
scanMaterial | Plate | SSA | Photographic medium, eg. Original glass, Copy film, Copy glass | varchar | 16 | REMARKS | ||
scdGrid | Plate | PSSA | Non-linear distortion mask filename | varchar | 80 | ID_FILE | ||
scdGrid | Plate | SSA | Non-linear distortion mask filename | varchar | 80 | ID_FILE | ||
sCorMagB | Source | PSSA | B band magnitude assuming object is star | real | 4 | mag | -99.999995 | PHOT_PHG_BJ |
sCorMagB | Source | SSA | B band magnitude assuming object is star | real | 4 | mag | -99.999995 | PHOT_PHG_BJ |
sCorMagI | Source | PSSA | I band magnitude assuming object is star | real | 4 | mag | -99.999995 | PHOT_PHG_I |
sCorMagI | Source | SSA | I band magnitude assuming object is star | real | 4 | mag | -99.999995 | PHOT_PHG_I |
sCorMagR1 | Source | PSSA | R1 band magnitude assuming object is star | real | 4 | mag | -99.999995 | PHOT_PHG_R |
sCorMagR1 | Source | SSA | R1 band magnitude assuming object is star | real | 4 | mag | -99.999995 | PHOT_PHG_R |
sCorMagR2 | Source | PSSA | R2 band magnitude assuming object is star | real | 4 | mag | -99.999995 | PHOT_PHG_R |
sCorMagR2 | Source | SSA | R2 band magnitude assuming object is star | real | 4 | mag | -99.999995 | PHOT_PHG_R |
scosID | twompzPhotoz | TWOMPZ | SuperCOSMOS Source table (objID) {image primary HDU keyword: SCOS_objID} | bigint | 8 | -99999999 | | |
scosID | wiseScosPhotoz, wiseScosPhotozRejects | WISExSCOSPZ | SuperCOSMOS Source table (objID) {image primary HDU keyword: objID} | bigint | 8 | -99999999 | | |
scosID | wiseScosSvm | WISExSCOSPZ | SuperCOSMOS Source table (objID) {image primary HDU keyword: scos_objID} | bigint | 8 | -99999999 | | |
sd | twomass_scn | 2MASS | Scanning direction: "n" = north-going, "s" = south-going. | varchar | 1 | POS_POS-ANG | ||
sd | twomass_sixx2_scn | 2MASS | direction of scan -- north/south-bound (n/s) | varchar | 1 | |||
sdet | twomass_sixx2_psc, twomass_sixx2_xsc | 2MASS | # of scans in which src was detected in >=1 band | smallint | 2 | |||
sdssID | CrossNeighboursDR2 | SSA | The object identifier from BestDR2.PhotoObj | bigint | 8 | ID_CATALOG | ||
sdssID | CrossNeighboursDR5 | SSA | The object identifier from BestDR5.PhotoObj | bigint | 8 | ID_CATALOG | ||
sdssID | CrossNeighboursEDR | PSSA | The object identifier from SkyServer.PhotoObj | bigint | 8 | ID_CATALOG | ||
sdssPrimary | CrossNeighboursDR2, CrossNeighboursDR5 | SSA | tinyint | 1 | CODE_MISC | |||
sdssPrimary | CrossNeighboursEDR | PSSA | tinyint | 1 | CODE_MISC | |||
sdssType | CrossNeighboursDR2, CrossNeighboursDR5 | SSA | The SDSS image classification flag | int | 4 | CLASS_OBJECT | ||
sdssType | CrossNeighboursEDR | PSSA | The SDSS image classification flag | int | 4 | CLASS_OBJECT | ||
seam | Detection | PSSA | Seam index: = zero or SSAfield for seamless selection | smallint | 2 | ID_FIELD | ||
seam | Detection | SSA | Seam index: = zero or SSAfield for seamless selection | smallint | 2 | ID_FIELD | ||
seqNum | twomass_sixx2_psc | 2MASS | Sequential number (unique object ID) | int | 4 | |||
shiftPnt | Plate | PSSA | Shift of from nominal to fitted plate centre | float | 8 | radians | POS_OFFSET | |
shiftPnt | Plate | SSA | Shift of from nominal to fitted plate centre | float | 8 | radians | POS_OFFSET | |
sigDec | Source | PSSA | Uncertainty in Dec (formal random error not inc. systematic errors) | float | 8 | degrees | ERROR | |
sigDec | Source | SSA | Uncertainty in Dec (formal random error not inc. systematic errors) | float | 8 | degrees | ERROR | |
sigMuAcosD | Source | PSSA | Error on proper motion in RA direction | real | 4 | mas/yr | -0.99999995e9 | ERROR |
sigMuAcosD | Source | SSA | Error on proper motion in RA direction | real | 4 | mas/yr | -0.99999995e9 | ERROR |
sigMuD | Source | PSSA | Error on proper motion in Dec direction | real | 4 | mas/yr | -0.99999995e9 | ERROR |
sigMuD | Source | SSA | Error on proper motion in Dec direction | real | 4 | mas/yr | -0.99999995e9 | ERROR |
sigRA | Source | PSSA | Uncertainty in RA (formal random error not inc. systematic errors) | float | 8 | degrees | ERROR | |
sigRA | Source | SSA | Uncertainty in RA (formal random error not inc. systematic errors) | float | 8 | degrees | ERROR | |
skyDefn | Plate | PSSA | Method of defining sky, eg. "median" | varchar | 16 | REDUCT_METHOD | ||
skyDefn | Plate | SSA | Method of defining sky, eg. "median" | varchar | 16 | REDUCT_METHOD | ||
skyFilter | Plate | PSSA | Box filter weights for sky determination | varchar | 16 | REDUCT_PARAM | ||
skyFilter | Plate | SSA | Box filter weights for sky determination | varchar | 16 | REDUCT_PARAM | ||
skySquare | Plate | PSSA | Blocksize (one side) of sky background | smallint | 2 | pixels | REDUCT_PARAM | |
skySquare | Plate | SSA | Blocksize (one side) of sky background | smallint | 2 | pixels | REDUCT_PARAM | |
slump | CurrIsoCal | SSA | Fourth-order radial term in calibration | real | 4 | mags per (2.5 degrees)^4 | 0.0 | MODEL_PARAM |
slump | CurrIsoCal, PrevIsoCal | PSSA | Fourth-order radial term in calibration | real | 4 | mags per (2.5 degrees)^4 | 0.0 | MODEL_PARAM |
sMag | Detection | PSSA | Magnitude calculated on assumption object is star | real | 4 | mag | MODEL_MAG_VALUE | |
sMag | Detection | SSA | Magnitude calculated on assumption object is star | real | 4 | mag | MODEL_MAG_VALUE | |
softVersion | Plate | PSSA | Software version, eg. /home/scosdev/v033 | varchar | 18 | ID_VERSION | ||
softVersion | Plate | SSA | Software version, eg. /home/scosdev/v033 | varchar | 18 | ID_VERSION | ||
sosp | Plate | PSSA | SuperCOSMOS start of scan CCD pixel number | smallint | 2 | INST_PARAM | ||
sosp | Plate | SSA | SuperCOSMOS start of scan CCD pixel number | smallint | 2 | INST_PARAM | ||
sourceID | Detection | PSSA | objID for corresponding merged record in Source | bigint | 8 | ID_ASSOCIATED | ||
sourceID | Detection | SSA | objID for corresponding merged record in Source | bigint | 8 | ID_ASSOCIATED | ||
spos | twomass_sixx2_psc, twomass_sixx2_xsc | 2MASS | # of scans in which src position falls inside coverage area | smallint | 2 | |||
SSAfield | Detection | PSSA | SSS field number (ESO/SRC system) that this detection falls in. | smallint | 2 | ID_FIELD | ||
SSAfield | Detection | SSA | SSS field number (ESO/SRC system) that this detection falls in. | smallint | 2 | ID_FIELD | ||
ssaID | CrossNeighbours2MASSPSC, CrossNeighbours2MASSXSC, CrossNeighboursDR2, CrossNeighboursDR5 | SSA | The object identifier from the SSA Source table | bigint | 8 | ID_MAIN | ||
ssaID | CrossNeighboursEDR | PSSA | The object identifier from the SSA Source table | bigint | 8 | ID_MAIN | ||
starCat | Plate | PSSA | Name of reference star catalogue used for astrometric fit | varchar | 80 | ID_CATALOG | ||
starCat | Plate | SSA | Name of reference star catalogue used for astrometric fit | varchar | 80 | ID_CATALOG | ||
starDensity | twompzPhotoz | TWOMPZ | Coadd log(density) of stars with K<14 at this position {image primary HDU keyword: density} | real | 4 | -0.9999995e9 | ||
starsInit | Plate | PSSA | No. of refstars in initial astrometric solution | int | 4 | NUMBER | ||
starsInit | Plate | SSA | No. of refstars in initial astrometric solution | int | 4 | NUMBER | ||
starsSelec | Plate | PSSA | No. of refstars initially selected | int | 4 | NUMBER | ||
starsSelec | Plate | SSA | No. of refstars initially selected | int | 4 | NUMBER | ||
starsUsed | Plate | PSSA | No. of refstars in final astrometric solution | int | 4 | NUMBER | ||
starsUsed | Plate | SSA | No. of refstars in final astrometric solution | int | 4 | NUMBER | ||
startDate | IsoCalVersion | PSSA | Start date at which the calibration was released | datetime | 8 | MM-DD-YYYY | 12-31-9999 | TIME_DATE |
startDate | IsoCalVersion | SSA | Start date at which the calibration was released | datetime | 8 | MM-DD-YYYY | 12-31-9999 | TIME_DATE |
stepsize | Plate | PSSA | SuperCOSMOS nominal pixel size | real | 4 | microns | INST_PIXSIZE | |
stepsize | Plate | SSA | SuperCOSMOS nominal pixel size | real | 4 | microns | INST_PIXSIZE | |
stepWdg | Plate | PSSA | Intensity calibration step-wedge type, eg. kpno | varchar | 16 | INST_PARAM | ||
stepWdg | Plate | SSA | Intensity calibration step-wedge type, eg. kpno | varchar | 16 | INST_PARAM | ||
sup_ba | twomass_sixx2_xsc | 2MASS | minor/major axis ratio fit to 3-sig. super-coadd isophote | real | 4 | |||
sup_ba | twomass_xsc | 2MASS | Minor/major axis ratio fit to 3-sig. super-coadd isophote. | real | 4 | PHYS_AXIS-RATIO | ||
sup_chif_ellf | twomass_xsc | 2MASS | super-coadd % chi-fraction for ellip. fit to 3-sig isophote. | real | 4 | FIT_PARAM_VALUE | ||
sup_dec | twomass_xsc | 2MASS | Super-coadd centroid Dec (J2000 decimal deg). | float | 8 | degrees | POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN | |
sup_phi | twomass_sixx2_xsc | 2MASS | super-coadd angle to major axis (E of N) | smallint | 2 | deg | ||
sup_phi | twomass_xsc | 2MASS | Super-coadd angle to major axis (E of N). | smallint | 2 | degrees | POS_POS-ANG | |
sup_r_3sig | twomass_xsc | 2MASS | Super-coadd 3-sigma isophotal semi-major axis radius. | real | 4 | arcsec | ERROR | |
sup_ra | twomass_xsc | 2MASS | Super-coadd centroid RA (J2000 decimal deg). | float | 8 | degrees | POS_EQ_RA_MAIN | |
supDec | twompzPhotoz | TWOMPZ | Super co-add centroid Dec. (J2000) {image primary HDU keyword: supDEdeg} | float | 8 | Degrees | -0.9999995e9 | pos.eq.dec |
supRa | twompzPhotoz | TWOMPZ | Super co-add centroid R.A. (J2000) {image primary HDU keyword: supRAdeg} | float | 8 | Degrees | -0.9999995e9 | pos.eq.ra |
surveyID | Detection | PSSA | The survey that collected the data | tinyint | 1 | ID_SURVEY | ||
surveyID | Detection | SSA | The survey that collected the data | tinyint | 1 | ID_SURVEY | ||
surveyID | Plate | PSSA | Every plate comes from a survey | tinyint | 1 | ID_SURVEY | ||
surveyID | Plate | SSA | Every plate comes from a survey | tinyint | 1 | ID_SURVEY | ||
surveyID | Survey | PSSA | Unique survey identifier in the SSA | tinyint | 1 | ID_SURVEY | ||
surveyID | Survey | SSA | Unique survey identifier in the SSA | tinyint | 1 | ID_SURVEY | ||
surveyName | Survey | PSSA | Survey name, eg. SERC-J/EJ | varchar | 16 | ID_CATALOG | ||
surveyName | Survey | SSA | Survey name, eg. SERC-J/EJ | varchar | 16 | ID_CATALOG | ||
surveyRef | Survey | PSSA | Literature reference for survey | varchar | 256 | REFER_CODE | ||
surveyRef | Survey | SSA | Literature reference for survey | varchar | 256 | REFER_CODE | ||
SVMClass | wiseScosSvm | WISExSCOSPZ | SVM classification {image primary HDU keyword: SVMClass} | smallint | 2 | -9999 | ||
sys_flg | twomass_xsc | 2MASS | system flag: 0=no system, 1=nearby galaxy flux incl. in mag. | smallint | 2 | CODE_MISC | ||
systemID | Field | PSSA | Unique identifier of the system of survey field centres | tinyint | 1 | ID_MAIN | ||
systemID | Field | SSA | Unique identifier of the system of survey field centres | tinyint | 1 | ID_MAIN | ||
systemID | FieldSystem | PSSA | The system of survey fields used for the survey | tinyint | 1 | ID_MAIN | ||
systemID | FieldSystem | SSA | The system of survey fields used for the survey | tinyint | 1 | ID_MAIN | ||
systemID | Survey | PSSA | The system of survey fields used for the survey | tinyint | 1 | NOTE | ||
systemID | Survey | SSA | The system of survey fields used for the survey | tinyint | 1 | NOTE |
WFAU, Institute for Astronomy,
Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill
Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, UK