TABLE  Survey

Contains information about the Schmidt photographic surveys in the SSA.

The SuperCOSMOS Science Archive was created from machine scans of
the UK, ESO and Palomar Oschin Schmidt telescope surveys undertaken
from 1949 to 2003. Each individual passband survey (eg. SERC-J/EJ,
POSS-I E etc.) is described in this table.

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
surveyIDtinyint1 Unique survey identifier in the SSA ID_SURVEY
surveyNamevarchar16 Survey name, eg. SERC-J/EJ ID_CATALOG
systemIDtinyint1 The system of survey fields used for the survey NOTE
fieldOfViewreal4degreesThe nominal field of view of each survey plate INST_DET_SIZE
decMinfloat8degreesSouthern (Dec) limit of survey POS_EQ_DEC
decMaxfloat8degreesNorthern (Dec) limit of survey POS_EQ_DEC
numFieldsint4 No. of fields in the survey NUMBER
telescopevarchar64 UK, ESO or Palomar Oschin Schmidt TEL_ID
telAperturefloat8metresTelescope aperture TEL_SIZE
telLongfloat8degreesTelescope longitude POS_EARTH_LON_MAIN
telLatfloat8degressTelescope latitude POS_EARTH_LAT_MAIN
telHeightreal4metresTelescope altitude OBSTY_ALTITUDE
plateScalereal4arcsec/mmNominal plate scale INST_SCALE
colourvarchar16 Survey colour, eg. blue, red or near-infrared OBS_BAND
waveMinint4nanometresApproximate minimum wavelength INST_WAVELENGTH_VALUE
waveMaxint4nanometresApproximate maximum wavelength INST_WAVELENGTH_VALUE
waveEffint4nanometresApproximate effective wavelength INST_WAVELENGTH_EFFECTIVE
magLimitreal4 Nominal mag limit of survey, eg. 22.5 for Bj PHOT_MAG_LIMIT
epochMinreal4yearMinimum epoch of observations TIME_EPOCH
epochMaxreal4yearMaximum epoch of observations TIME_EPOCH
epTsysvarchar16 Time system for epoch values in SurveyCatalog NOTE
equinoxreal4yearEquinox for positions in SurveyCatalog TIME_EQUINOX
eqTsysvarchar16 Time system for equinox in SurveyCatalog NOTE
surveyRefvarchar256 Literature reference for survey REFER_CODE
Total length470