TABLE  CurrIsoCal

Current isophotal photometric calibration coefficients for all plates

This table contains the gradient, zeropoint, "slump" (field-radius
dependent term) and colour offset (0.0 for Bj) coefficients for all
current isophotal magnitude calibrations of each plate in the SSA.

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
plateIDint4 Unique identifier of the plate ID_PLATE
gradientreal4mags per instrumental magGradient of the isophotal scale MODEL_PARAM
zeropointreal4magsZeropoint of the isophotal scale PHOT_ZP
slumpreal4mags per (2.5 degrees)^4Fourth-order radial term in calibration0.0MODEL_PARAM
colourZPreal4magsColour zeropoint (wrt Bj) of calibration0.0MODEL_PARAM
Total length20