CrossNeighbours2MASSPSC | Cross-neighbours between SSA Source objects and the 2MASS PSC. |
CrossNeighbours2MASSXSC | Cross-neighbours between SSA Source objects and the 2MASS XSC. |
CrossNeighboursDR5 | Cross-neighbours between SSA Source objects and the SDSS DR5. |
CurrIsoCal | Current isophotal photometric calibration coefficients for all plates |
Detection | Contains individual plate detections for every plate in the SSA. |
Field | Survey field information for the SSA. |
FieldSystem | Contains information about the systems of field centres used in the SSA. |
IsoCalVersion | Information concerning all isophotal photometric calibrations in the SSA |
JunkDetection | Contains a subset of the entries in Detection that are flagged as junk |
Neighbours | SSA neighbours are recorded in this table. |
Plate | Contains information about each survey plate measurement used in the SSA. |
PrevIsoCal | Previous isophotal photometric calibration coefficients for all plates |
Source | Contains merged sources for every field in the SSA. |
Survey | Contains information about the Schmidt photographic surveys in the SSA. |
Latest Revision: | 337, 2011-02-01 17:49:06 (Tue, 1 Feb 2011) |