TABLE  JunkDetection

Contains a subset of the entries in Detection that are flagged as junk

Each set of plate detections in the SSA has been run through an automated
junk detection algorithm (Storkey et al., 2003) to flag any objects that
are a result of curvi-linear lines, circular or halo-type artifacts on the
source photographic material. These junk identifications are done with a
high degree of accuracy and attributes describing the junk detections are
recorded in this table.

NameTypeLengthUnitDescriptionDefault ValueUnified Content Descriptor
objIDbigint8 Unique object identification number from Detection ID_MAIN
junkSourcetinyint1 Source of junk: 1=satellite track; 2=diffraction spike; 3=bright stellar halo CLASS_CODE
invSGDensint4 Local inverse star/galaxy density PHYS_DENSITY_SURFACE
trackAnglereal4degreesAngle of track or diffraction spike-999.995POS_POS-ANG
brightObjIDbigint8 The Detection.objID of the artifact-inducing bright star0ID_ASSOCIATED
haloRadiusreal4arcsecVertical half-major axis of halo ellipse0.0EXTENSION_RAD
postProbreal4 Posterior probability of detection being junk STAT_PROBABILITY
Total length33