Contains individual plate detections for every plate in the SSA. |
Each scanned plate in the SSA results in a pixel map. This map was processed using standard software (known as Image Analysis Mode, or IAM, software) to produce a list of parameterised detections on each plate. This table contains all the attributes for each detected object. The attribute set consists of the standard 32 IAM parameters plus calibrated photometry and spatial index quantities. |
Name | Type | Length | Unit | Description | Default Value | Unified Content Descriptor |
objID | bigint | 8 | Unique object identification number | ID_MAIN | ||
surveyID | tinyint | 1 | The survey that collected the data | ID_SURVEY | ||
plateID | int | 4 | Plate ID of the plate that this detection came from | ID_PLATE | ||
parentID | bigint | 8 | objID of parent object, = objID for parent/undeblended (ie. not child) object | ID_PARENT | ||
sourceID | bigint | 8 | objID for corresponding merged record in Source | ID_ASSOCIATED | ||
recNum | int | 4 | The record number in the original IAM file | RECORD | ||
ra | float | 8 | degrees | Celestial Right Ascension | POS_EQ_RA_MAIN | |
dec | float | 8 | degrees | Celestial Declination | POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN | |
htmId | bigint | 8 | Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (20-deep) of centroid | POS_GENERAL | ||
cx | float | 8 | Cartesian x of unit (ra,dec) vector on celestial sphere | POS_EQ_X | ||
cy | float | 8 | Cartesian y of unit (ra,dec) vector on celestial sphere | POS_EQ_Y | ||
cz | float | 8 | Cartesian z of unit (ra,dec) vector on celestial sphere | POS_EQ_Z | ||
xmin | float | 8 | microns | Leftmost extent of image on plate | POS_PLATE_X | |
xmax | float | 8 | microns | Rightmost extent of image on plate | POS_PLATE_X | |
ymin | float | 8 | microns | Bottommost extent of image on plate | POS_PLATE_Y | |
ymax | float | 8 | microns | Topmost extent of image on plate | POS_PLATE_Y | |
area | int | 4 | pixels | Area within detection isophote | EXTENSION_AREA | |
ipeak | real | 4 | instrumental units | Intensity of brightest pixel above sky | PHOT_INTENSITY_MISC | |
cosmag | real | 4 | instrumental units | Isophotal magnitude | PHOT_PHG_MAG | |
isky | real | 4 | Estimate of sky intensity at (xCen, yCen) | PHOT_SB_SKY | ||
xCen | float | 8 | microns | Intensity-weighted X-centroid of image | POS_PLATE_X | |
yCen | float | 8 | microns | Intensity-weighted Y-centroid of image | POS_PLATE_Y | |
aU | real | 4 | microns | Semi-major axis of unweighted fitted ellipse | EXTENSION_RAD | |
bU | real | 4 | microns | Semi-minor axis of unweighted fitted ellipse | EXTENSION_SMIN | |
thetaU | smallint | 2 | degrees | Position angle (wrt x-axis) of unweighted fitted ellipse | POS_POS-ANG | |
aI | real | 4 | microns | Semi-major axis of intensity-weighted fitted ellip. | EXTENSION_RAD | |
bI | real | 4 | microns | Semi-minor axis of intensity-weighted fitted ellip. | EXTENSION_SMIN | |
thetaI | smallint | 2 | degrees | Position angle (wrt x-axis) of intensity-weighted fitted ellipse | POS_POS-ANG | |
class | tinyint | 1 | Classification flag | CLASS_OBJECT | ||
pa | smallint | 2 | degrees | Celestial position angle (E of N) | POS_POS-ANG | |
ap1 | int | 4 | pixels | Area above 1st areal profile threshold | EXTENSION_AREA | |
ap2 | int | 4 | pixels | Area above 2nd areal profile threshold | EXTENSION_AREA | |
ap3 | int | 4 | pixels | Area above 3rd areal profile threshold | EXTENSION_AREA | |
ap4 | int | 4 | pixels | Area above 4th areal profile threshold | EXTENSION_AREA | |
ap5 | int | 4 | pixels | Area above 5th areal profile threshold | EXTENSION_AREA | |
ap6 | int | 4 | pixels | Area above 6th areal profile threshold | EXTENSION_AREA | |
ap7 | int | 4 | pixels | Area above 7th areal profile threshold | EXTENSION_AREA | |
ap8 | int | 4 | pixels | Area above 8th areal profile threshold | EXTENSION_AREA | |
blend | int | 4 | Deblend flag: -n=parent of n children; +n = nth child of a parent | CODE_MULT_INDEX | ||
quality | int | 4 | Bitwise quality flag | CODE_QUALITY | ||
prfStat | real | 4 | N(0,1) | Profile statistic | CLASS_STAR/GALAXY | |
prfMag | real | 4 | instrumental units | Profile magnitude | PHOT_PHG_MAG | |
gMag | real | 4 | mag | Magnitude calculated on assumption object is galaxy | MODEL_MAG_VALUE | |
sMag | real | 4 | mag | Magnitude calculated on assumption object is star | MODEL_MAG_VALUE | |
SSAfield | smallint | 2 | SSS field number (ESO/SRC system) that this detection falls in. | ID_FIELD | ||
seam | smallint | 2 | Seam index: = zero or SSAfield for seamless selection | ID_FIELD | ||
Total length | 228 |